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  1. Xianqing Chen, Lenan Wu. Nonlinear detection for a high rate extended binary phase shift keying system. Sensors, 13(4)SCI/EI 收录)
  2. Qing Zhu, Lenan Wu. Weighted-bit-f lipping- based sequential scheduling decoding algorithmms for LDPC cdes. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Article ID 371206SCI/EI 收录)
  3. Yudong Zhang, Lenan Wu, and Shuihua Wang, Solving two-dimensional HP model by firefly algorithm and simplified energy function. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Article ID 398141SCI/EI收录)
  4. Yudong Zhang, Lenan Wu, and Shuihua Wang. UCAV path planning by fitness-scaling adaptive chaotic particle swarm optimization. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Article ID 705238SCI/EI 收录)
  5. Zhimin Chen, Lenan Wu. Design of special impacting filter for multicarrier ABPSK system. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, (2013), Article ID 921932SCI/EI收录)
  6. Yu Yao, Lenan Wu, and Jiwu Wang. Composite Broadcasting and Ranging via a Satellite Dual-Frequency MPPSK System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Article ID 404357
  7. Renxiang Zhu, Lenan Wu. Sliding-window hybrid quasi-Newton algorithm-trained MBER equalisers. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process ., (2013), DOI: 10.1002/acsEI收录)
  8. 靳一、吴乐南、余静、邓蕾. 多元位置3值VMAP调制解调器. 通信学报,34(8)EI 收录)
  9. 朱秉诚、吴乐南、王伟. 基于叩齿声音的身份确认方法. 模式识别与人工智能,26(2)
  10. 靳一、吴乐南、应鹏魁、余静. 基于SVM判决的RS编码EBPSK调制解调器. 应用科学学报,31(1)(EI 收录)
  11. 苗圃、吴乐南、靳一. 多元位置相移键控调制功率谱的优化. 电子与信息学报,35(7)(EI 收录)
  12. 陈志敏、吴乐南. 关于高效调制成形滤波器的中心频率. 电波科学学报,28(3)(EI 收录)
  13. 姚誉、吴乐南、常虹. 基于二元相移键控体制的短波信道快速估计. 电波科学学报,28(3)(EI 收录)
  14. 吴乐南 . 试论独占加共享的频谱划分模式. 电波科学学报,28(4)EI 收录)
  15. 靳一、吴乐南、何峰、余静. 多元位置3值连续相位调制解调方法. 电波科学学报,28(4)EI 收录)
  16. 苗圃、吴乐南、张鹏. 扩展二元相移键控调制信号的多路传输. 电波科学学报,28(6)
  17. 靳一、吴乐南、余静、应鹏魁. 多元位置随机极性CP-EBPSK调制解调器研究. 信号处理,29(1)
  18. 张宇、吴乐南、吴锋. 不对称的随机极性甚小幅相调制系统. 信号处理,29(2)
  19. 朱庆、吴乐南. 低复杂度校验节点调度的LDPC串行译码算法. 信号处理,29(5)
  20. 冯熳、宋文慧、吴乐南. 基于自制小波的EBPSK信号增强器. 高技术通讯,23(6)
  21. 宋文慧、吴乐南. 用于 EBPSK 系统的多径信道小波变换线性均衡器. 东南大学学报(自然科学版),43(1)EI 收录)
  22. 苗圃、吴乐南. 氟化梯度折射率塑料光纤带宽特性计算. 东南大学学报(自然科学版),43(3)EI 收录)
  23. Chenhao Qi and Lenan Wu. Comparisons of channel estimation for OFDM-based and wavelet-based und erwater acoustic communications. IEEE WCNC 2013, Shanghai, ChinaEI收录)
  24. Bingcheng Zhu, Lenan Wu. Frequency drift reduction through alternating magnetic field between coupled resonators in power thransfer systems. ICCT 2013, Guilin , China

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